We provide a Windows Update & Upgrade for your computer, we can update or install a new windows on your laptop or desktop, We can also upgrade your Windows 7, Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, we can fix and repair all models of computers (HP, Dell, Asus, Acer, Toshiba, eMachines, Sony, Packard Bell etc).
We can upgrade your operation system to Windows 10
Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade
Is your PC running on an older, out-of-date version of Windows? Did you buy a second-hand computer that hasn’t included the full Microsoft Office package or the latest software? Do you need Windows to be reinstalled on your PC following a virus or malfunction to make your PC good as new? We can provide a solution to these questions by installing or updating the latest operating system to your computer
You may be satisfied with your version of Windows, but there comes a time when it is necessary and essential to perform and upgrade. It may seem as if there are constant updates available every week, and new technology we just have to keep up with. Just when you get used to your new software or OS update, another one is soon available! But the reality is, it’s important to keep up to date with software and operating systems because it can help to keep your system safe. The codes that make up your operating system contain bugs, errors, incompatibilities and security loopholes. Windows also needs to protect itself from professional hackers jailbreaking and copying software for fraudulent purposes. By updating your operating system, bugs and vulnerabilities can be fixed and often new features are added in. Furthermore, by not updating your system you may find Internet files incompatible and hence be prompted to install the update.
Allow us to assist you with upgrading your system at an affordable price, we can upgrade your computer to the latest windows 10, we offer our customers with 60 days warranty.
If you PC is running slow and not performing the way it should be running, let us help. Pop-ups, unexplained web sites, or other odd behavior could be a serious infection. Or worse yet, it could be a Trojan horse stealing your personal data such as credit card information you punch into websites when you order something. You may have a virus, spy-ware, malware, or a corrupt operating system. We can fix and optimise your computer so it runs like new.
If you don’t want to lose all of the files on your old system, let us transfer your existing files to your new computer. We transfer all the data you wish to keep from your old computer onto your new computer.
Anti-Virus, Firewall… Help ensure your privacy. We will get you set up with anti-spyware, network encryption. Help prevent the infestation of viruses, unwanted pop-ups, and rogue programs that affect your PC’s performance and security. We will customize Windows and configure the firewall to your needs, based on the setup of your home or office network.
Let us upgrade your operating system. Why buy a new computer when you can just upgrade the operating system to take advantage of new features. We will help decide which operating system is for you, and do a system upgrade for you.
Are you getting warning signs such as Hard Drive Full or will fail soon? We will assess your hard drive and then copy over your existing files for more storage space. A faster hard drive will also speed up system performance. Let us install your new, larger hard drive.
If your hard drive has crashed, or your PC system won’t boot up, you may need to have your data retrieved from a non-working hard drive. Nothing is guaranteed when it comes to data retrieval, but we will try our best to recover your important lost files.
Dust! Yes, believe it or not, they are your computer’s worst enemies. The accumulation of dust particles in your computer case can shorten the life of your PC. The particles block essential airflow to the system, which causes the processor and hard drive to overheat, creating irreversible damage.
Do you need to setup a wireless network? You can then securely share the internet, printers, and files from anywhere in your office or home. Let us come to you and install your wireless or wired network.
If your computer hard drive crashes, let us recover all your important documents, files, videos, photos, music and all the important things you don’t want to lose. Trust us for all your computer system back-ups. If you had a system crash, let us restore your backup so you can get back running again.
Our Computer Repair Services
Computer Health Check
Having trouble with a slow computer or constant freezing? Within minutes, we scan and run a health check on your PC, giving you a comprehensive health report of your machine detailing the faults and how to get rid of them.
Do you know, in order to keep your computer cool it’s important to remove any obstacles to air flow and check that no dust is blocking the fan, particularly in laptops, whereby airflow is restricted between the tiny compartments.
Get the latest operating system for your PC, including all the up-to-date versions of software. Updates help keep your PC safer, by fixing bugs and allowing for automated patches in both OS and non-OS software.
We will assist you with setting up wireless and cable networks, help you to solve problems connecting to or staying connected to the Internet, and establishing a securer, more reliable and cost effective network for your business.
Free your computer from irritating ads, unwanted browser tabs and annoying ad-ons. Popups and adverts can be a nuisance and crop up at any time without your consent. Adware can hijack links redirecting them to unwanted URLs.
Let us secure your PC from malicious spyware that can potentially be a threat to your system. With one click of a button viruses can be easily downloaded without your knowledge, but can just as easily be removed by calling!